program fhostA c c Include C type header file. c implicit none #include "fpvm3.h" c c Variables: c integer pid integer pids(0:12) integer bufid, error, N c c Register process in PVM. c call pvmfserror(1,error) call pvmfmytid(pid) write(6,'('' Host: Alive '')') write(6,'('' Enter a positive integer N <= 100 : '',$)') read(5,'(i4)')N c c Initiate 1 instance of node program. c write(6,'('' Host: Spawning "node" process '')') call pvmfspawn('fnodeA',PVMHOST,'b25c16',1,pids, error) c c c Build PVM Message block containing N. c call pvmfinitsend(PVMDEFAULT,bufid) call pvmfpack(INTEGER4,N,1,1,error) c c Send Message. c write(6,'('' Host: Sending N to node '')') call pvmfsend(pids(0),1,error) c c Wait for Reply containing new value of N. c call pvmfrecv(pids(0),2,error) call pvmfunpack(INTEGER4,N,1,1,error) write(6,'('' Host: Received reply from node '')') write(6,'('' Host: Node has added 2 to N '')') c c Print new value of N. c write(6,'('' Host: New N = '',i4)')N c c Terminate PVM. c write(6,'('' Host: Terminating '')') call pvmfexit(error) stop end